【1632.org】Eric Flint's 1632 Universe Compendium | 1632.org  
Website Introduction:The definitive resource for information related to Eric Flint's 1632 series, including stylesheets and manuscript submission guides for prospective authors.

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【l4x.org】 | Jan's Home  
Website Introduction:l4x.org - Jan Dittmer's Homepage
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【tyz.nl】TYZ - Thijs Broerse - Freelance Senior Frontend Developer / Interim Tech Lead  
Website Introduction:Hi, I'm Thijs Broerse, a passionate and highly skilled frontend expert with over 20 years of experience in web development and leadership. I excel at setting up, developing, and maintaining complex frontend systems, as well as leading international development teams. I have contributed to numerous award-winning projects and specialize in TypeScript, React, NextJS, Leadership and architecture.
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